Fibre Network Design

A Fibre network switch in a server rack

A design for life, end-to-end

How do you design a fibre network, on a larger area or city-scale, that will revolutionise the lives of local homes and businesses? And in doing so, close the gap on the digital divide?

That’s exactly what we help communications providers and network owners to do. Designing successful fibre networks that adopt enhanced fibre to the home (FTTH) technologies to bring faster speeds, bigger bandwidth, and greater integration to whole communities, now and in the future.

Launching a transformative fibre network for an entire region is wholly dependent on the upfront network design work. Bypass any elements of this critical phase – or do a shoddy job of it – and you’ll pay for it further down the line.

A winning combination

Designing game-changing fibre networks is only possible when you have experts in the design seat, exploiting advanced technology to help produce the best outcomes for your project. That’s the winning combination.

Our design team combines over a century of fibre network experience and has already enabled 15 entire cities across the globe to adopt advanced fibre infrastructure.

We use our expertise alongside the latest software to produce high-level and low-level designs to get you ready for build. We also strive to deliver the most efficient design options to satisfy both technical and commercial objectives.

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Expert desktop and engineering design

Designing fibre networks is complex and time-consuming, with multiple factors to consider. Many in-house teams are busy maintaining existing fibre networks, rather than launching additional infrastructure. That’s why they outsource new projects to us.

There are many layers to designing a fibre network. The high-level desktop (HLD) design that helps define the opportunity, bring the network architecture to life, and shape the plan and budget. And low-level engineering design (LLD) which involves gathering the field data to design something that can be built. We also help with permitting through the relevant authorities if needed as part of your construction phase, which in turn can feed into comprehensive as-built records.

Our network designers have an excellent, end-to-end grasp of fibre network creation. From drawings and maps, to lists and simulations – we design advanced fibre infrastructure in a way that satisfies all your business outcomes.

We also provide a consultative service where we can guide you on your fibre network journey. This type of interaction has helped operators save costs by introducing new ways of thinking, streamlined processes, and helped meet tight deadlines.

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