Simi Valley

Simi Valley Case Study
Rolling out a 10 Gig fibre city-wide
network to over 125,000 people.

Complex Projects Simplified

We enabled the provision of high-speed fibre connectivity to Simi Valley in superfast time.

We oversaw the full design cycle from feasibility study to detailed engineering design of the city-wide, 10 gig enabled, fibre optic network.


Stifling Growth and Online Experiences

Before the project, residents were unable to access stable and affordable superfast broadband. The city struggled to attract new businesses to set up and invest in the region and this was having an impact on the local economy as well as an ability to attract skilled and talented workers. The “Digital Divide” had wider social issues in terms of access to government services, education and healthcare in the community.

Project challenge

Given the geography, the project had several challenges. Set in a valley between two hilly and mountainous areas of brush-covered wildlands north-west of Los Angeles, the city of Simi Valley faces multiple risks from natural hazards including wildfires, earthquakes, and floods. The design therefore needed to consider these natural hazards and mitigate any risks as far as possible.

The Solution

A fully buildable network design with feasibility, integration and end-to-end project management support, undertaken by network design experts using our unique modular approach.

“I am proud of the foresight that brought this project to our community at substantial benefit to the businesses and residents that call Simi Valley home.”

Keith Mashburn,
Mayor of Simi Valley.

What We Did

We used our tried and tested modular programme to progress the city design from initial feasibility right through to a complete engineering design that was ready for construction and service integration.

With a single point of contact (SPOC) approach and guided by the principle of PMP and Prince2 project management methodologies, we worked across continents and time zones to design the network.

Accurate city-wide duct design was delivered to enable construction, using the preferred micro-trenching method.

Now that the city is under construction, our integration services will configure the active optical equipment and provide a robust handover to the operation teams.



Homes and businesses


Fibre endpoints

Simi Valley Aerial photo

What We Did

We used our tried and tested modular programme to progress the city design from initial feasibility right through to a complete engineering design that was ready for construction and service integration.

With a single point of contact (SPOC) approach and guided by the principle of PMP and Prince2 project management methodologies, we worked across continents and time zones to design the network.

Accurate city-wide duct design was delivered to enable construction, using the preferred micro-trenching method.

Now that the city is under construction, our integration services will configure the active optical equipment and provide a robust handover to the operation teams.


  • Residents with superfast connections, will now benefit from simultaneous upload and download speeds. Households are now able to stream content from multiple devices at one time with no impact on individual experiences.
  • As the network is open access, businesses and residents have a choice of broadband suppliers to choose from- helping to ensure competitive pricing and customer service.
  • Businesses and residents can now live, work, and play a “smart city”, benefiting fully from all opportunities provided by smart cities and IOT applications.