Integrated fiber design you can't live without.

Unbreakable design and integration from specialists that empower connectivity.


Joining the dots between your cities. 

Cities Designed
0 +
Homes & Businesses
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Project feasibility

Helping you to define the art of the possible.

Project management

Making sure your project is always in experienced hands.

Fiber network design

An end-to-end design for life.

Fiber network installation & integration

With a range of capabilities, from start to finish.

End-to-end service

complete with fibre network design, installation and integration.

connecting communities and enabling smart citites to operate optimally in the modern world.

The right blend of services for your biggest challenges

starting with your needs, project and ambitions, we’ll be your source of timely, relevant expertise across multiple services and disciplines.

Industry experts

Over a century’s worth of combined experience, tapping into expertise from Europe’s communication giants. Plus, new and emerging industry talent.

Professional partnership

We partner with incumbent and new entrants to bring greater speed, bandwidth, and technology integration to cities, via modern fiber infrastructure.

Unrivalled track record

Our global partnerships have already powered smart cities and towns through advanced fiber networks that enable 21st century life, helping connect communities.

Expert project management

Proficient and practised industry professionals who make sure projects satisfy your time, cost, and quality requirements.

We're trusted worldwide

to deliver fiber networks to cities and communities.

Take a look at what some of our customers say.

Mergin Maps

Saber Razmjooei, CEO

“The NetPMD Design and Integration team are really pushing the boundaries of the tools and technologies that we supply to them for mapping and automation. Their feedback and suggestions to improve our Mergin Maps product has not only have been beneficial to us, but also shows how efficiently and effectively they work”.

SiFi Networks

Ben Bawtree-Jobsan, CEO

“We have worked with NetPMD on many successful projects. No fibre network project is too complex for them. We value their expertise and professionalism and very much appreciate our close partnership with them.”

end to end integration solution for connected cities

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